Title Image
One Angry Mafia Boss, One Troublesome Wife, One Distracting Baby, and Two Hapless Hitmen... what could possibly go wrong?
Anthony N. Galizia Sr.

Anthony N. Galizia Sr.

Anthony N. Galizia Sr. is Vice President, Partner, and Producer at Meta4 Creative Media, LLC, overseeing all aspects of production including budget, creation, development, writing, editing, talent acquisition, directing, producing, marketing, and client relations. The team at Meta4 Creative Media creates multi-platform, original content in all genres of both fiction and non-fiction Feature Film and Television, as well as Reality Television and Commercial Advertisement.

Director Statement
The Hitmen was such a fun and challenging project, as we had to wear many hats to complete it. Although the filmography had many hiccups, and was very challenging, we managed to turn it into a masterpiece. I'm so tired of Hollywood and their regurgitation of the same productions over and over again, there's no originality anymore. So we'll do it our own way from here on in. Meta4 Creative Media is on a mission, make no mistake, we're coming, and we're coming big. The Industry may doubt us or try to ignore us, but believe me, we are a force to recon with, and once we are there, those who turned us away will regret the day that they played it safe. I know the odds are against me, but my determination will not be broken. I truly believe that an investor is out there who will one day take a chance, and that lucky person will reap all the profits and benefits for giving this team that chance. If you've never heard the story about how Sylvester Stallone got his start, I suggest you go read it......
I am Sylvester Stallone!