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One Angry Mafia Boss, One Troublesome Wife, One Distracting Baby, and Two Hapless Hitmen... what could possibly go wrong?


After carrying out a hit for their boss, Hitmen Carlo and Vic find themselves unintentionally in the care of their boss' baby. Having no parenting skills, or baby care experience, the fumbling duo must somehow get the baby back to its home safely without their boss finding out. Several befalling childcare calamities and one apoplectic encounter with an "ex" later, Carlo and Vic find themselves tasked with an even tougher assignment... - Killing their boss' adulterous wife, the mother of his son.

Now the two "Hitmen" are faced with an impossible choice: Go against honor and kill the wife, or go against Omerta and defy their very dangerous boss.

—Anthony Galizia & Danny Klapadoras